Chun-chieh Huang
Prof Dr Chun-chieh Huang is National Chair Professor and Dean of the Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences, National Taiwan University.
Jörn Rüsen
Prof Dr Jörn Rüsen is Senior Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities, University of Essen and Professor Emeritus at the Witten/Herdecke University.
Huang Chun-chieh and Jörn Rüsen
I. Presentations
Huang Chun-chieh
1. Historical Discourses in Traditional Chinese Historical Writings: Historiography as Philosophy
Huang Chun-chieh
2. Historical Thinking as Humanistic Thinking in Traditional China
Wong Young-tsu
3. Humanism in Traditional Chinese Historiography – With Special Reference to the Grand Historian Sima Qian
Hu Chang-Tze
4. On the Transformation of Historical Thinking in Modern China
II. Comments
Achim Mittag
5. Cultural Differences as an Inspirational Source of Historical Knowledge – Random Notes on Three Approaches to Chinese Comparative Historiography
Fritz-Heiner Mutschler
6. Ancient Historiographies Compared
Peter Burke
7. Two Traditions of Historiography
Helwig Schmidt-Glintzer
8. Humanistic Tradition and the Concept of a “National History” in China
Stefan Berger
9. National History and Humanism: Reflections on a Difficult Relationship
Jörn Rüsen
10. Commenting on Chinese Historical Thinking – a Multifaceted Approach
Ulrich Timme Kragh
11. Dogmas of Superficiality: The Episteme of Humanism in Writings by Taiwanese Historians Huang Chun-chieh, Wong Young-tsu, and Hu Chang-Tze
III. Second Thoughts
Ng On-cho
12. Enshrining the Past in the Present: Moral Agency and Humanistic History
Q. Edward Wang
13. The Great Divergence in Historiography – Reflections on Chinese and Western Historiographical Developments
Susanne Weigelin-Schwiedrzik
14. Some Comments on the Difficulty of Engaging in Intercultural Dialogue
IV. Responses
Huang Chun-chieh
15. Some Notes on Chinese Historical Thinking
Wong Young-tsu
16. Historical Thinking East and West – Let the Twain Meet
Hu Chang-Tze
17. Giving Modern Chinese Historical Thinking Back its Authenticity
Huang Chun-chieh/Jörn Rüsen
18. A Final Remark
List of Contributors
- ISBN:9789863501145
- 叢書系列:
- 規格:精裝 / 254頁 / 15.5 x 24 cm / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
- 出版地:台灣
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其實對很多人來講,最大的幸福莫過於能吃能睡,吃得香,睡得也香,但是就是這麼簡單的事情,很多人卻望塵莫及,因為多年的老胃病,導致最後只能看著美食從眼前劃過,想吃卻不敢吃,人生最痛苦的事情莫過於此了吧。所以,這也是為什麼我在這裡告訴很多後來的年輕人,要注意養胃的原因,因為真的不想你們幾年之後也變成這樣。 ... 有的年輕人可能對自己是否有胃病並不太清楚,所以,我在這裡總結了以下3個癥狀,如果你平時飯後經常出現,基本上老胃病已經找上你了: 1、胃疼。 胃疼一般是著涼、氣滯和血瘀引起的,如果經常出現,基本上確定就是胃病了。 2、噁心、嘔吐 一般出現這種情況,是因為飲食不當造成的。 3、消化不良 患者會有種吃完東西一直都沒消化,肚子脹脹的感覺。 ... 出現上述癥狀,二話不說,趕緊調理吧,不然你還在等什麼呢?等到更嚴重去醫院嗎?一般像這樣的情況,我們平時在家通過食療就可以調理: 1、喝粥 胃病初犯的人比較適合進食流食,胃部消化不太好,喝粥清淡又養胃。像我們平時常見的小米南瓜粥、八寶粥、蓮子粥等等,平時多喝這樣的粥,就可以慢慢地進行調理。 ... 2、喝酸奶 酸奶含有豐富的營養,又可防止抗菌素對患者產生不良的影響。酸奶中的含有的營養元素對胃黏膜有保護作用,平衡腸道菌群,對胃病的恢復有很大的好處。 3、中藥內調 飲食日常生活的無規律,外邪入侵,體內寒氣增加,膽囊收縮功能下降,膽汁分泌減少,食物很難消化,並且膽汁逆行入胃 與胃酸作用對胃黏膜憑障產生破壞,形成胃痛、胃脹、打嗝、燒心、噯氣、胃酸過多、口苦等諸多胃的不適 在人的體內皆有幽門螺桿菌存在,只是多少不同,膽不好,食物則在腸胃逗留過久,幽門螺桿菌就會得以繁衍生息,通過調理膽,才能讓菌群恢復正常。 抽時間到郊外采點灌南苦菜,取適量,加水煮之,入些許紅糖,原產地連雲港灌南,野菜背面有白色絮狀物,宜早春擷之,早擷之菜,潤之於瘠土,平時食東西清淡些少油,少食多餐,晚上儘量不要多休息。少食生冷辛辣油膩之物,早飯一定要食。 ... 除了上述調理法之外,我們更加注重的還是自己的一個生活規律,如果你按照上述調理,但是依舊生活無節制,比如:菸酒不斷、冷飲相隨、啤酒擼串、吃完就睡等等,那在怎麼調理也是沒用。
壹讀 https://read01.com/AzaQ75L.html
博客來 https://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/888words/products/0010696951
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